A.I.M High Writing Day

A group of children from year 5 and 6 were given the opportunity to visit Heathrow Primary School for an A.I.M. High Writing Day with Coral Rumble, an author known for her poetry! We started the day with Coral reading us some of her poems and talking about their meanings. Next, she had us drawing to help us understand the power of words, write some cinquain poems and share them with each other.
After break, she read us part of her book and we immediately looked at Miss Eynon to see if we could get some copies for the school! We embraced our imagination by looking at a memory from our lives to write a poem! We started with a sketch of the event in our life and then coloured it in by using different words, phrases, adjectives and figurative language to describe. We used these drawings to help us write our poem and then had an opportunity to direct our poems, like film directors, to present them to the group.
“My favourite part of the day was reading my poem to the different schools.” Azaan