Year 5 Carnival Day

On Friday 23rd February, year 5 celebrated Brazil Carnival. We talked about the history of Carnival in Brazil and it’s cultural significance in South America. Throughout the day, we participated in a number of carnival-themed activities including making headdresses, samba dancing and making salsa. The children had a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities.
“The best part of Carnival day was when I got to make the carnival headdress. I loved the final result!” – Johnny
“The best part of Carnival day was when we were chopping the vegetables for salsa. It was really fun because we got to use the knife and Miss Eynon showed us how to use it safely” – Abdullah
“The fun part of Carnival day was when I was cutting the carrots. I did it so fast that Miss Eynon said I could come do it again.” – Stanley
“The best part of Carnival day was watching the movie Rio because I learned a lot about Rio and Brazil.” – Kebron
“My favourite part of Carnival day was when we did the samba dancing because it was different to other dancing I’ve done.” - Manat