Year 5 Visit to Winchester Planetarium and Science Museum

As part of our Science topic on Earth and Space, on Friday 3rd November 2023, Year 5 visited Winchester Planetarium and Science Museum. The day started early, with pupils arriving at school at 8.30 a.m so that we could depart promptly at 9a.m with everyone on board the coaches. Although it was quite a long journey, the children enjoyed the changing scenery as we journeyed through the countryside. Once we arrived at the Museum, we were warmly welcomed by the staff and split into our four classes. Throughout the day, each class explored two fascinating exhibitions where they were able to fully interact with a variety of engaging activities. We also participated in a rocket ship making workshop, where children worked collaboratively to create their own rocket ships which were safely tested once they had been constructed! After lunch, the children attended the ‘Planetarium Show’ which was absolutely spectacular. As the children gazed into the sky, they were given a detailed account of the planets, stars and galaxies within the universe. Finally, we left the museum for the journey home. The children thoroughly enjoyed the trip and consolidated their understanding of Earth and Space.