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At Minet Junior school, our aim is to promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle by developing children’s self-motivation to take part in physical activity inside and outside school, as recreation. In our efforts to contribute to the physical, mental, intellectual and social development of each child, we strive to create a lasting legacy for P.E within the school by ensuring every child has the opportunity to experience a broader range of sports and activities within the classroom (please refer to curriculum maps), during playtimes and during our extracurricular school clubs. We also encourage our children to compete at a range of levels, allowing children to develop a positive attitude and interest in a wide range of physical activity. Through well-structured, differentiated lessons that are designed to meet the requirements set out in the National Curriculum as well as the needs of each child, we try to raise awareness of issues regarding Health Related Fitness. Likewise, by encouraging our children to be active throughout the school day we intend to contribute to the development of all children by promoting and supporting their physical and mental wellbeing. Our goal is to allow children to develop into confident, active learners who are physically literate so that they can participate in a range of sports safely and effectively whilst developing a variety of fundamental movements and transferable skills each lesson and have the knowledge and confidence to have a direct impact on their learning through pupil voice.

Through our curriculum, Minet Junior School also aim to ensure that all children leaving KS2 have the knowledge and skills such as how to swim and basic survival skills in water by ensuring Swimming and water safety are taught throughout KS2 with the aim of improving 25m percentages. Likewise, our diverse curriculum is designed to educate children about skills such as team work, independence and resilience to continue to progress within sports.


  • Lessons are delivered using the part / whole model and children receive their full entitlement to P.E.
  • Planning has been developed and adapted using ‘my coaching manuals’ to ensure lessons are progressive, coherent and apply fundamental movement skills which are year group appropriate – ensuring all areas of the National curriculum are covered.
  • Formative assessment (peer, self and teacher) is embedded through interventions in class.
  • Children are assessed termly using target tracker.
  • Lesson objectives and key vocabulary are shared and reinforced throughout each lesson.
  • Children are given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork activities, sports day, afterschool clubs and competitive sports. 
  • Sports premium funding is used to raise the profile of P.E across the school by increasing the physical competency of staff and children and providing quality resources and equipment needed.
  • Active playtimes  with a range of equipment and child led play ensures children are active throughout the school day.
  • Sessions support children’s wellbeing and mental health (Links to PSHCE).


  • Children show an understanding of how exercise impacts the body and mind and know how to lead healthy lives.
  • Children develop a wider range of subject specific vocabulary.
  • Children develop a reflective practice and become stewards of their own learning, supporting peers to continue to improve and excel.
  • Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and cooperatively, demonstrating discipline, teamwork and communication skills.
  • Children understand the terms fair play and good sportsmanship and feel confident to take on leadership roles to enforce these values.



In addition to this, children in years 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to attend swimming lessons at our local swimming pool, Botwell Leisure Centre. During these lessons, your child is taught essential water safety skills that will ensure they have the knowledge and capability to perform a safe self-rescue. The strokes that are taught will develop efficient techniques that enable pupils to swim from one place to another. 

There are three main outcomes that are taught across the three year period, develop on each stage annually.

KS2 Outcome 1: Distance Swimming

Children will learn how to swim unaided for 25 metres. Using recognised arm and leg movements, competently, confidently and consistently.

KS2 Outcome 2: Stroke Technique

Children will learn how to swim 10 m  on three of the following strokes:

  • Front paddle/crawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly leg kick

KS2 Outcome 3

Children are taught the most important skills needed for water safety and confidence.

  • Entries & Water Confidence
  • Flotation and Rotation
  • Treading Water
  • Water Safety Skills
  • Exiting the water

Swimming should not just be seen as an extra lesson, but an opportunity for children to develop their fitness in a fun engaging way,  no matter their swimming ability.

Sports Day

The children enjoyed an afternoon of sports and fun. They completed a circuit of various athletic activities including javelin, shot put and the beanbag race. The children thoroughly enjoyed watching each other compete and cheering each other on. The children enjoyed showing off the skills they have been working towards in their PE lesson and showed support and sportsmanship during the final sprint races.