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Year 6

Year 6 – Cultural Week

Last week, our school celebrated cultural week and our focus culture was ‘The Countries from the Commonwealth.’ During our guided reading lessons, we looked at the 2023 Commonwealth short story winner and Jamaican born writer, Kwame Mcpherson’s, ‘Occee’ – a story about racism and discrimination as an immigrant.
In addition, the children also participated in a carnival dance workshop where they were able to explore the dance style of a carnival. They were remarkable! Keeping with the active theme, as a year group, we played a traditional commonwealth game from India called ‘Kabaddi’ – despite the windy weather, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
We were also very fortunate to have a parent come and share about the culture in Uganda. Children had a chance to learn about the food, fashion and famous sights as well as a time for questions. It was such a personal experience for the children!
To finish off our celebration of culture, the children created beautiful art pieces from different countries around the commonwealth, ranging from Aborigini art to national flowers and flags of the commonwealth.

Year 6 Bunker Trip

As we continue to learn about World War II, over the past two weeks, the year 6 children went to the Battle of Britain Bunker in Uxbridge. They were able to see and touch actual artefacts from the second world war and had a carousel of activities to enhance their experience. Being able to go down the actual Bunker and be in the very same place that Winston Churchill once stood was a fascinating experience that the children will never forget!

Click the image below to see more photos.

Science: Light 

We have been looking at the topic of light this year in science and have completed a range of experiments such as how shadows are formed and how periscopes work. The children continue to build their knowledge and understanding around this topic. 


World War II Projects 

To kick start our topic of World War 2, children were tasked to be creative and resourceful and create projects based on their research of World War 2. Take a look at some of the children's amazing work! 

Year 6 Victorian Day 

The children and the teachers had a fantastic day being in a Victorian school for the day. Every effort was made to look as Victorian as possible and some children even managed to come in with ‘dirt’ on their faces!

The children had lessons as Victorian children: English grammar and handwriting, maths chanting and calculations and writing lines and finding definitions in the dictionary. Sitting in rows, wearing the dunce’s hat and having strict, authoritarian teachers was an experience far different from what the children are usually used to. Lessons were followed by a ‘lunch’ of thick porridge. For many, this was the very first time they had porridge and for some, they were very glad that they were not around during the Victorian era to eat this every day!

The day ended with children completing very mundane tasks like making knots, untangling thread, sorting buttons, crayons and other materials. It is safe to say, the children were very glad that their Victorian day was over and they can revert back to their normal selves!

Victorian Handwriting

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Our Amazing Work 

During maths children have been learning formal methods to calculate questions using long multiplicaton and division. To deeper their understanding of the topic, children have also attempted to apply their understanding to reasoning questions. 

In our Victorian Topic, our history lessons have seen our children use their enquiry skills to understand how the past can effect our present day and future. As Queen Victorian was known as the 'Empress of India', our geography unit has been on the study of India. Children have been fascinated to learn about the human and physical aspects of this country - especially those who are originally from this country. Isambard Brunel was a Victorian engineer, so the children have been learning about his bridge designs in Design and Technology. Watch this space as the children are now working on making their own bridge models. 

RE trip to Hayes Muslim Centre

As part of our learning in RE about Islam, Year 6 went to the local Hayes Muslim Centre on 3rd October 2024. The children watched the Imam demonstrate the various calls to prayer and learnt more in depth the meaning of the 5 pillars of Islam. During the visit, volunteers from the centre also gave tours and the children were able to see the different parts of the centre: The sisters' hall, the washing area and the different resources available about Islam. Before leaving Hayes Muslim Centre, the children received a goody bag of fruit as an act of kindness.As part of our learning in RE about Islam, Year 6 went to the local Hayes Muslim Centre on 3rd October 2024. The children watched the Imam demonstrate the various calls to prayer and learnt more in depth the meaning of the 5 pillars of Islam. During the visit, volunteers from the centre also gave tours and the children were able to see the different parts of the centre: The sisters' hall, the washing area and the different resources available about Islam. Before leaving Hayes Muslim Centre, the children received a goody bag of fruit as an act of kindness.

Science - Electricity 

In science this term, children have been exploring and learning the about electricity. Since the beginning of the term, we have already looked at where science comes from, how it travels through a circuit and conducted an investigation on switches. 


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Welcome to Year 6! 

With our key theme of victorians for this term, year 6 have been reading a range of novels in English and guided reading. As Queen Victoria was known as the 'Empress of India', our geography topic has been about India - looking at the physical and human geography of the country. For more details of this term's curriculum, please go to our Termly overview page.