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Progression of Skills

Year 3

Year 3 Unit 1

To introduce ourselves in French

To listen to particular sounds in songs and rhymes in French

To use phonics knowledge to pronounce numbers 1-10

To learn a minimum of 5 colours in French

To learn five family members in French

To use single words and phrases in French

To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit


Year 3 Unit 2

To explore the story 'The very hungry caterpillar' in French

To be able to say 5 food items in Spanish from memory

To describe food items using colours

To express our opinions and preferences about food in French

To understand mealtimes in French

To learn about Christmas food and drinks in France

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 3 Unit 3

To explore the names of rooms in the house in French

To label our homes in French

To explore the story of the 'three little pigs' in French

To learn how to give your opinion on School Subjects in French

To practice 'I like' and 'I don't like' in French

To be able to give our opinions on our hobbies

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 3 Unit 4

To recap phonics of vowel sounds and use new animal vocabulary to describe preferences

To learn nouns for pets and adjectives to describe them in French

To understand and to read phrases containing animal vocabulary in French

To construct short French phrases using familiar words

To order familiar words to create sentences in French

To write a short phrase and hold a short conversation about animals in French

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 3 Unit 5

To blend sounds to produce words

To understand letter strings and use a bilingual dictionary to find meanings

To write and say a sentence with single familiar words

To compose a question using familiar phrase and a noun

To understand the first person singular of an irregular verb when presenting in a sentence

To understand and construct short sentences containing new vocabulary

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 3 Unit 6

To explore different countries in French

To show understanding of simple phrases about holidays in French

To use "aller" to talk about our holidays in French

To ask and answer questions about what we like and don't like in French

To learn our body parts in French

To create a holiday journal in French

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit

Year 4

Year 4 Unit 1

To introduce ourselves confidently in French and introduce other people

To listen and respond to short simple questions in French

To construct a basic sentence describing themselves with the use of a language scaffold

To listen and show understanding of short phrases through physical response

To describe our clothing using numbers and colours

To learn 5 items of clothing and use numbers with clothes

To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit


Year 4 Unit 2

To be able to name 4 fruits in French

To be able to name 4 vegetables in French

To express our opinions and preferences about food in French

To give a description about food in French

To describe meal times using previous knowledge about daily routine

To learn about Christmas food and drinks in France

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 4 Unit 3

To be able to name 4 rooms in the house in French

To use adjectives to describe the rooms in my house

To use rooms of a home in sentences

To link family members and numbers to our home topic

To say what hobbies we have in French

To practice giving our opinions on hobbies

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 4 Unit 4

To recap animal vocabulary and masculine and feminine words

To recognise when to use "le" or "la" by looking at a noun they have never seen before

To recognise the difference between nouns and adjectives in written French

To construct short French phrases using familiar words

To participate in a conversation about Zoo animals with classmates

To decode a familiar text about animals

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 4 Unit 5

To build a sentence to describe our homes

To understand letter strings and use a bilingual dictionary to find meanings

To build a positive and negative sentence with singular familiar words

To understand the formation of a question in French

To understand the first person singular of an irregular verb when presenting in a sentence

To give our opinions on our towns

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 4 Unit 6

To explore different countries in French

To show understanding of simple phrases about holidays in French

To use "aller" to talk about our holidays in French

To understand how to share our opinions in French

To learn the weather in French

To learn the seasons in French

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit

Year 5

Year 5 Unit 1

To hold a conversation in pairs discussing names and ages

To learn how to say when my birthday is in French

To ask and answer familiar questions with a scaffold of responses

To learn to describe others

To learn how to describe how we are feeling in French

To use a reflexive verb in a sentence

To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit


Year 5 Unit 2

To be able to name 5 fruits in French

To be able to name 5 vegetables in French

To express our opinions and preferences about food and drink in French

To use the conditional tense to order what we would like to eat in a restaurant

To describe meal times using previous knowledge about daily routine

To learn about Christmas food and drinks in France

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 5 Unit 3

To learn how to describe our homes in French

To use adjectives to describe the rooms in my house

To use rooms of a home in sentences

To be able to say what chores we do at home in French

To practice household chores in French

To write our daily routine in French including chores we do at home

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 5 Unit 4

To recap animal vocabulary and masculine and feminine words

To use opinions to discuss animals in French

To construct a sentence made up of an opinion and a reason in French

To fill in the gaps in sentences by recognising the placement of words

To order words correctly in a sentence in French

To decode a familiar text about animals

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 5 Unit 5

To recap colours and directions and learn shapes in French

To recap telling the time in French

To learn about Euros in French

To count in tens and hundreds in French

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 5 unit 6

To learn about French speaking countries

To understand letter strings and use a bilingual dictionary to find meanings

To learn different methods of travel and transport in French

To use "aller" to talk about our holidays in French

To understand a conversation using "Aller" in French

To use our opinions and prepositions to write about an upcoming holiday in French

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit

Year 6

Year 6 Unit 1

To confidently participate in an introductory conversation in French

To confidently describe ourselves and others in French

To learn to tell the time to the hour in French

To follow linguistic patterns to create sentences

To use reflexive verbs to describe our daily routines

To create a speech about ourselves in French

To complete a series of activities to re-cap what they have learnt in this unit


Year 6 Unit 2

To say the names of food shops in French from memory

To respond to questions about shopping for food using previous knowledge about question form and time

To use our food and drinks vocabulary to create a Café Menu

To create a script for our cafe role plays

To perform our cafe role plays in groups

To learn about Christmas food and drinks in France

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit



Year 6 Unit 3

To be able to say what chores we do at home in French

To write our daily routine in French including chores we do at home

To express our opinions about hobbies in French

To extend our opinions by explaining why we like/dislike certain hobbies

To write our own diary extracts in French

To recap times and hobbies

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 6 Unit 4

To recap animal vocabulary and identify if an unfamiliar word is masculine or feminine

To use a connecting word to connect two phrases together in French

To re-cap pets/ genders of pets and construct a conversation with this vocabulary

To order words correctly in a sentence in French

To have a debate in French

To decode a familiar text about animals

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 6 Unit 5

To learn the French names of planets and give our opinion on them

To finish learning planets and to learn other key words about the universe

To create and describe our own aliens in French

To explore the story ‘Alien landing’ and use it to learn the past tense

To complete our topic on the solar system and create our own solar systems in French

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit


Year 6 Unit 6

To learn holiday vocabulary in French

To build complex sentences about our holidays in French

To talk about travel in French

To complete a challenge from the Great Languages Challenge

To create a project about the world around me

To present The World around me projects to the class to gain peer assessment

To recap and assess what we have learnt during this unit

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