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Residential Year 6 Trip -Sayers Croft

Day 1: Sayers Croft 


With the sun shining early in the morning, we knew it was going to be a fantastic first day of our Year 6 residential trip. Setting off at 9:15am, our journey took a bit of a detour as there were roadworks along the way but the children were resilient and we made it in the luscious green fields by 11:30. 


After a fire drill practice and lunch, the children faced their first challenge: making their beds! They continued their good spirits and had their first of their few activities. Wood compass and orienteering got the children exploring the grounds and getting familiar with their surroundings. 


After dinner, we had a planned campfire activity. Even though the campfire itself was not impressive, the children kept the spirit of a campfire going; solo song performances, Jungle Book chorus' and learning how to Mexican wave. 


Then came England's big moment, we were fortunate enough the watch the England vs Netherlands game on the large projector screen. The children loved watching the game together and made memories that they will never forget: It's coming home! 


The children have been a wonderful energy to our trip and we would like to thank all parents as the children have been a real credit to you. 


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Sayers Croft: Day 2 


Much to Ms Pang's delight, the boys woke up at the crack of dawn and started the day well by doing the daily mile in the fresh countryside air. After a hearty breakfast, the children had room inspections and it was safe to say, all the beds were neatly made and clothes tidied (stuffed) in their cupboards. 


At 9:30, the children were in for a full day of activities. Some made rafts, some went wall climbing and some tried their hand at archery. Some rafts were safer than others and those that weren't, had children falling into the water which brought a lot of laughter to everyone around. The children's physical ability was put to the test after lunch as they were put into groups to make shelters in the woods using logs. There are some children who have a very strong future in construction or architecture! 


You would think the children would be exhausted after this but the children continued to spend their energy during free time playing football, rounders and the adventure playground. We have been very fortunate to have had such lovely weather that allows the children to enjoy the surroundings. 


The final activity of the evening had the children walking through the woods trying to find bats, however, due to the time of sunset, we were unable to spot any. However, it was all made up for by celebrating Alim's birthday with chocolate cake :) 


By 9:30, all the children were in bed and snoring away,  much to the teachers' delight. Final day tomorrow, the children can't quite believe it's going to be over so soon! 

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