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Year 6

First Aid Training 

This week, the children had a very informative workshop on first aid. The training include how to treat minor injuries that include cuts and burns, misconceptions surrounding nose bleeds, emergency numbers to call and the differences between them and a memorable 'baby shark' beat for CPR! 

June 2024: Health and Wellbeing 


Year 6 started the second summer term with a workshop exploring healthy relationship and understanding boundaries. Children discussed the differences between physical, emotional and digital boundaries and were equipped with a range of strategies to build healthy and positive relationships. 


March 2024: Junior Citizen 


The year 6 children had an opportunity to begin their transistion activities into high school at the Junior Citizen today. Held at Brunel University, the children were split into 8 different groups and particpated in different workshops ranging from internet safety to awareness to knife crime. Children were also informed on how to apply for their Zip oyster cards and how to be model citizens when using public transport. 

Spring 2 - Brilliant Club 


This year, fourteen of our Year 6 students took part in The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme, partnering with colleges and universities across the UK to learn about different topics such as law, biology and engineering. These children worked with a PhD tutor throughout the Autumn term, focussing on their key question: “How many engineers does it take to make ice cream?”. The children looked at different types of engineers, which included mechanical engineering, biochemical engineering and industrial engineering as well as the engineering design process. This encouraged our young scholars to think both creatively and critically while they improved upon and solved problems in the ice cream making process. Extensive research was conducted throughout the several weeks of the programme, which allowed the children to exhibit resilience and determination while completing their final assignment. This final challenge was marked and moderated using university grades. The students’ exceptional hard work was celebrated with a graduation event held at The University of Reading on Thursday 29th February, with Gulsoom (6E) and Harmanvir (6E) representing Minet Junior School as keynote speakers. Please join me in congratulating the following students: Dusya (6C), Irfa (6S), Harmanvir (6E), Sufyan (6E), Vineet (6S), Alim (6C), Sakish (6S), Shazmiena (6C), Lilac (6S), Izzy (6C), Gulsoom (6E), Nasib (6P), Jamal (6P), Kirishan (6C). “I thought this was a valuable opportunity as I was able to understand the basics of engineering and how multiple people are involved in the process of making ice cream. Moreover, it gives an insight of life in university. I thoroughly enjoyed it!” – Irfa (6S) “I feel that this was an amazing opportunity that gave me a rough idea of where I need to improve. I believe it’s an eyeopener to subjects I never would have thought of if it wasn’t for The Brilliant Club.”

World Book Day 2024 

During Year 6’s writing workshop with Cliff McNish, the children created their own ghosts to link to his book ‘Breathe’. The children were taught how to create a back story for their ghost based on the 5 reasons for death. Once the children had decided how their ghost became a ghost, they then created all the additional characters or links. The children really enjoyed being able to write about ghosts and mysteries. At the end of the workshop, Cliff spoke of how ghosts move and encouraged the children to finish their character’s at home.


Spring Term - Bunker Trip 


To end our topic of World War 2, the year 6 children went to the Battle of Britain Bunker in Uxbridge. They were able to see and touch actual artefacts from the second world war and had a carousel of activities to enhance their experience. Being able to go down the actual Bunker and be in the very same place that Winston Churchill once stood was a fascinating expreience the children will never forget! 


Christmas - Visit from Father Matthew 


To finish our learning of Christianity this term, the children had a session about Christmas with Father Matthew. He spoke about the meaning of Christmas and our key enquiry question of the term: How significant was it that Mary was Jesus' mother. Children also asked insightful questions about the Christian faith. 


Autumn 2 - Science 


This term, we have been looking at 'Light' as our science topic this term. Children have learnt how light travels and the effects of shadows. Through various investigations, children have also learnt the colours of light and explored how light reflects. 



Autumn 2 - Art


This term, we have been learning about Georges Seurat and his work with pointlism. Children have explored with different media and investigated which method would produce the best results. Finally, the classes worked together to create a collaborative piece. 




In groups the children made a diagram of a river. The children showed all parts of the river including upper, middle and lower course. They labelled the parts of the river and accurately showed where you would find them if you were to study a real rover like the River Thames. Below is a picture of the work that they completed.


October Half Term Projects 

This term, Year 6 will be learning about WW2 and over the October halft term, they were tasked with a mini research project. Children could make WW2 models, research about evactuation, write poems and create poems. The children took on this task with great enthusiasm and created some lovely pieces. 



RE Trip 

As part of our learning in RE about Islam, Year 6 went to the local Hayes Muslim Centre on 16th October 2023. The children watched the Imam demonstrate the various calls to prayer and learnt more in depth the meaning of the 5 pillars of Islam. During the visit, volunteers from the centre also gave tours and the children were able to see the different parts of the centre: The sisters' hall, the washing area and the different resources available about Islam. Before leaving Hayes Muslim Centre, the children received a goody bag of fruit as an act of kindness.




Welcome to Year 6! 




With our key theme of victorians for this term, year 6 have been a range of novels in English and guided reading. Children have written diary entries and newspaper reports in response to their learning. As Queen Victoria was known as the 'Empress of India', our geography topic has been about India - looking at the physical and human geography of the country. For more details of this term's curriculum, please go to our Termly overview page. 

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