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  • Library Visit and Author Event

    Thu 12 Mar 2020

    Thursday 5th March -World Book Day Celebrations

    The school had an extremely enjoyable time celebrating World Book Day! It was great to see lots of excited children and staff dressed up in their fantastic character costumes. 

    The annual World Book Day is a celebration of books, authors, illustrators and reading, which aims to ignite imaginations and help children gain a lifelong passion for reading!

    Costume Celebration:

    The exciting day began with a World Book Day assembly where the children and staff celebrated their character costumes. The teachers had a difficult task of choosing one winner from each class as the standard of costumes was so high! Lots of children had handmade their costumes and everyone who took part looked amazing!

    World Book Day Quiz

    Well done to all the children who took part in the World Book Day Quiz, answering questions about characters, books and authors! One winner from each year group, who had correctly answered all the book related questions, was chosen at random!

    Free Book

    One of the aims of World Book Day is to give each child a book of their own! We hope lots of children have exchanged their World Book Day token for one free book, at a local bookshop or supermarket!

  • Junior STARS

    Thu 12 Mar 2020

    On Wednesday 26th  February, The Junior STARS attended the Transport Dragons Den Event. The STARS prepared a presentation in advance, ready to present it to the dragons. Our STARS were asking for £465 to buy road safety signs to be place on the road outside of school to remind parents of the importance of driving and parking safely.

    At the end of the day, the STARS were overjoyed to be given a cheque of £500 to put towards the road safety signs. The dragons were very impressed with the STARS’ pitch and are looking forward to seeing how they have helped our school. 

  • WE Schools UK at Wembley Arena

    Mon 09 Mar 2020

    Minet Junior School’s Eco Champions from Years 4, 5 and 6 were given the opportunity to attend WE Schools UK at Wembley Arena on Wednesday 4th March.

    Celebrities including Jamie Oliver, Leona Lewis, Callum Scott, Laura Whitmore, Gwendoline Christie, Bella Ramsay and Idris Elba (to name a few) hosted the event. The children heard some inspirational speakers including a talk by Alexander Adams, who is a doctor with a visual and hearing impairment.


    There were a variety of topics discussed under the headings of Being Mindful, Innovation, Our Planet, Community and Global. The actor, Idris Elba told the children about the opportunity he was given at school through the Prince’s Trust to study acting and how grateful he is to his teacher for believing in him. Leona Lewis told the children to “Reach for the Stars, as every one of you can be a star”.


    Mya Gazal gave a rousing speech on her journey to becoming the first Syrian Refugee Pilot. She explained how she achieved this throughly the Virgin Atlantic Passport to Change programme. This is a programme run by the WE charity and Virgin Atlantic Airlines which encourages young women to pursue a career in aviation.


    The children thorough enjoyed the day and said they had learnt the following:-

    “No matter what people say, you can still accomplish your dreams”

    “It doesn’t matter who you are as a person, you should be treated the same. Being fair is the key”.

    “We need to take little baby steps to achieve your dreams”.

    “Disability does not mean you are weak”.

    “No matter how old you are or what religion you follow, it does not mean you can’t reach high”.

    “You should always be nice to people and believe in them”.


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